Prime Factors Blog

July 17, 2024
Application-Level Data Protection – What Savvy Customers Want to Know

At a time when data breaches and cyber threats continue to increase in frequency and sophistication, protecting critical data has become more important than ever. While traditional approaches that safeguard data at rest and in transit deliver protection, their use alone does not provide comprehensive security. The migration to the cloud and the proliferation of […]

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January 9, 2024
Simplifying OpenPGP – Streamlining Sharing Encrypted Files Securely with Third Parties

Every day, businesses share sensitive information outside the enterprise, such as sending purchasing files or other documents containing personally identifiable information to trading partners, resellers, or third parties. Safeguarding this data is crucial to avoid a breach and comply with regulations, which is why organizations often implement file encryption infrastructure to keep sensitive information secure […]

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November 30, 2023
Prime Factors & Thales' 30 Year Collaboration Continues to Deliver Simplicity, Flexibility, and Security for Payment Applications

Thales recently announced the launch of the payShield Cloud HSM service, making it easier and more flexible for payment HSMs to migrate to the cloud. Our team at Prime Factors had the opportunity to be among the first to successfully test the new HSM service with our Bank Card Security System (BCSS) to ensure flexibility and full functionality […]

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August 28, 2023
5 Data Protection Techniques and Privacy Methods to Modernize Your Data Security Strategy

It’s time to start shifting the mindset from leveraging encryption as a sole data protection technique, to implementing a more robust, well-rounded approach that leverages multiple types of data protection methods seamlessly to define and enforce how data is protected, who can access it, and what form the data takes when access is granted.  Encryption […]

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January 23, 2023
How to Prevent a Data Breach: Protect Data at the Application Level

Data has never been more plentiful or more valuable, nor has it ever been more at risk of breach. Though hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each year on cyber security, data breaches continue all over the world, and sensitive data is still frequently compromised.    Why is this still happening?  Surely, enterprises now […]

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July 14, 2022
Implementing Tokenization Shouldn’t Be So Damn Hard

What surprised us in a recent inquiry with a leading global analyst firm was not the fact that they had seen an increase in tokenization inquiries of more than 700% year-over-year; we had been seeing the same spikes on our end.   It was, rather, what was happening after the initial inquiries that caught our attention.  […]

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June 8, 2021
Data-In-Use Encryption Survey Results Alarming

The majority of data breaches today are occurring at the application layer where sensitive information is more exposed and susceptible, however a joint research survey with Entrust revealed that less than 25% of respondents are actually applying data protection at the application layer, instead relying on data-at-rest encryption.  The challenge is that data-at-rest encryption only […]

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April 1, 2021
Happy 2^3x5!!! Prime Factors turns 40!

The year was 1981.  It was a Wednesday, the first day of April.  President Reagan was in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds. Walter Cronkite was enjoying the first few weeks of his retirement after signing off from CBS Evening News.  And just off of the University of California’s Berkeley campus on the eastern shores […]

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October 13, 2020
Your Customer's Sensitive Data is Showing

I always find it interesting when our perceptions of how things work do not match up with reality.  We were in a meeting not long ago with a large customer, discussing their encryption deployment, and a simple exchange highlighted a common misunderstanding of data protection:   Us: “You may want to consider application level data protection so that your data is not in the clear when it leaves the database.” Customer (CEO): “What do you mean our encrypted data is […]

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February 19, 2020
Subpoena-Proofing Data in the Cloud

“…to subpoena-proof the cloud!” We had asked one of our largest customers what they were looking to accomplish with the deployment of our application-level data protection software.  This was their response. This certainly did not seem like the typical statement of requirements for a data protection solution! I’ve been in data and network security for nearly […]

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April 27, 2017
Encryption: The Cost, The Protection, and the ROI

It's no longer only the concern of governments and corporations: encryption is both lock and key to cybersecurity across a range of organizations, of all sizes.  In 2016, the Ponemon Institute calculated the average total cost of a data breach to be $4 million. The next two years sees the chances of 10,000 lost or […]

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